Saturday, August 19, 2006

Part of Dr.Berhanu Nega's book

This is the scrap of Dr.Berhanu Nega's book. I like to coat a part from Ethio-zagol blog appreciating the book
"I am not a kind of person who usually questions about the meaning and value of life,When I read the book, I really felt ashamed of myself. I questioned whether my life right now was worth living." yes it is so intriguing book, even reading this few pages made me to think of how his mind was fileing each and every details.

Click here to read 7 pages of the book

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Bole 2 Harlem it's a band. They played the contemporary Ethiopian traditional songs like HOYA HOYE and HAYLOGA..HO with new style.
They are able to make good rhythm out of the songs we used to know through our culture and life in Ethiopia.
The song called bole2harlem is one of the great work of the band.

check out the Band here